A lo largo del proyecto de Actualización del Plan General, el Concilio de la Ciudad y la Comisión de Planificación recibirán información clave y se les pedirá dirección o aprobación. Se le recomienda al público que asista a estas reuniones. Los materiales de la reunión se publicarán el viernes antes de cada reunión.

Actualmente no hay reuniones próximas. Por favor consulte esta página para obtener actualizaciones e inscríbase en nuestra lista de correo.
Reuniones pasadas del Concejo Municipal / Comisión de Planificación
  • City Council Meeting

    Fecha/ Hora: noviembre 20, 2023
    4:00 pm

    Ubicación: City Council Chambers (City Hall)

    At this meeting of the City Council, the Council received a report and provided direction on two items related to the 2040 General Plan Update as a follow up to the direction received from the City Council at the September 11, 2023 Study Session. The first was a discussion related to land uses within the North Gateway Commercial Land Use Designation, and the second was a discussion related to the Agricultural Preservation Program.

  • City Council Special Meeting

    Fecha/ Hora: septiembre 11, 2023
    4:00 pm

    Ubicación: City Council Chambers (City Hall)

    At this special meeting of the City Council, the Council will consider next steps for the proposed Inclusionary Housing Ordinance and the General Plan team will provide an overview of the Draft General Plan, Draft Climate Action Plan, and Draft Agricultural Preservation Program and ask for Council direction.

    The public may watch the meeting via live stream at:


  • Reunión de la Comisión de Planificación

    Fecha/ Hora: agosto 10, 2023
    6:00 pm


    At this Planning Commission Study Session, the General Plan team will provide a presentation and collect Planning Commission feedback on the Draft General Plan, Draft Climate Action Plan, and Draft Agricultural Preservation Program.

    Public comments can be made in-person or remotely during the meeting, by using the Enlace de registro de zoom.
    Public comments may also be sent to City staff (generalplan@hollister.ca.gov) prior to the meeting or afterwards.

    You can also watch the meeting via live stream at:
    Community Media Access Partnership (CMAP)
    City of Hollister YouTube Channel

    Materiales de reunión:

  • Planning Commission Meeting: Draft EIR Comments

    Fecha/ Hora: junio 22, 2023
    6:00 pm

    Ubicación: City Council Chambers (City Hall)


    Draft Environmental Impact Report Comments

    A public meeting to accept verbal comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be held before the Hollister Planning Commission on Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 6:00 pm.

    The City of Hollister has prepared a Draft EIR for the proposed Hollister 2040 General Plan, Climate Action Plan, and Agricultural Lands Preservation Program. Members of the public, agencies, and interested organizations are invited to provide comments on the Draft EIR that focus on whether the Draft EIR is sufficient in discussing possible impacts to the physical environment, ways in which potential adverse effects may be avoided or minimized through mitigation measures, and alternatives to the project in light of the purpose of the EIR to provide useful and accurate information about such factors. The City will also be accepting written comments on the Draft EIR until 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 30, 2023. Written comments may be emailed to generalplan@hollister.ca.gov with ?Hollister GPU 2040, CAP, and ALPP EIR? as the subject line, or mailed to:

    City of Hollister Development Services Department ? Planning Division
    ATTN: Eva Kelly, Interim Planning Manager
    339 Fifth Street, Hollister, CA 95023

    Information regarding the proposed project can be accessed at: https://hollister2040.org/.

    Public agencies providing comments are asked to include a contact person for the agency.

  • City Council Meeting

    Fecha/ Hora: 18 de enero de 2022
    6:00 pm


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